Sunday, May 29, 2011

good help

It's a little later than we'd like.... but since the weather has been so rainy and the ground too wet until very recently.... today was planting day.  

And as you can see, we had an outstanding crew to help!  

My two nieces were here visiting today, and they were all gung-ho to start helping.  They work for ice-cream, so we couldn't turn them down!

This is Ally Rey planting corn.  Notice that she's barefoot... WV girls don't need to wear shoes in the garden.

This is Naomi Jo taking a break by the tractor.

It was hot and exhausting work......

The plowed fields stretch as far as the eye can see.  Most of it will be planted in jack-o-lantern pumpkins to sell in the fall.  Only this end will be our vegetable garden. Steve surveys the work to be done.... and the West Virginia heat is unforgiving.... 

Naomi Jo says it's time for a real break... time to pay up!

The rest can wait until tomorrow.... after all, we have two special farm-hands that need paid.

Mmmmmm ... the pay is good!!

"Thank you, Uncle Steve!"

Yes... it's all good. 


  1. Those are some really pretty farm hands. And hard work for cheap!!

  2. There's nothing like raising kids and gardens! A great picture of rural America - the life everyone should experience...
